A podcast with Gregory Landua, Site Comittee Coordinator for the upcoming Bioregional Congress, and the Interdependent Radio Project.



A suggestion about CBC X at The Farm in Summertown, TN. October 3rd-10th, 2009

One of the most effective ways to get the people you would like to be
there to come is to specifically and personally (and maybe even publicly) invite them. (A different sort of thing than sending out one size fits all mass mailing / emailing invites, although of course these would also be sent out.)

Starting at zero with OACC I, I personally, and with large numbers of hand written letters, invited every ecological group and ecologically oriented person I could identify, and listed the most well known ones right on the invitation as “invited”.

Similarly for NABC I, over the 3 year organizing period, I wrote probably going on 150 personal invite letters (with uncounted follow-up letters), and by this method coterminously built the coordinating council as a group of well known ecological and bioregional people that I listed on all organizing communiques. This process of personal, direct invitation and listing of organizations and individuals as “invited” is a form of advertising by association that also let’s people who see the broad-scale invitation know who and what you are about by what you are attempting to convene. I think this invite list is well worth the space in the final invitation materials. However, if you decide that this is not something you would like to do, I strongly urge that the personal invitation be used extensively.

As well, email invitations, posts to listservs, the congress website and blog can be sent out a some months remove before the main invitation, those posts strongly encouraging each person who receives them to personally invite and try to bring with them at least on person, or more.

This personal recruitment form of invitation is something I have been promoting intensely since the days of OACC I. Though it’s a lot of work, I believe it is highly appropriate for biocongresses.

-David Haenke

Please go to the following link to see this latest addition to the CBC website and then forward the link to EVERYONE in the bioregional movement in North America to let them know that they have a place where everyone can find or post bioregionally-related events, meetings, gatherings, potlucks, etc.